Dose 02

Tune in on Sunday for Episode 02!

Week two of Monikkr Dose will include guest dj sets by Anton Bass at 4pm and Luca G at 5pm.

Join the Party Sundays at 3pm. Tune-in to the livestream broadcast on Sunday 3/7/21.

Where to Watch:  Youtube / TwitchMixcloud Live

Featuring DJ Sets by:  MONIKKR (NYC) at 3pm  / ANTON BASS (NYC) at 4pm /  LUCA G (NYC) at 5pm

Monikkr Dropz 02 – tracks I’ll feature on the next Monikkr Dose episode

🔥I’ll be including hot tracks in my set from the likes of: @diskojunkie @birdeeismyname @crazypmusic @djlaurentsimeca @blume_mex @purple_disco_machine
#monikkrdropz #monikkrdose

Join the Party!
